Gentle spirit
I first learned of this term when I was taking a writing course. Foreshadowing, according to is… a warning or indication of (a future event) When you read this quote by Anne Frank,...
Full Plate
Conversations: Full Plate
Hey Chris, Do you ever find yourself in the situation where you have so much on your plate that when you eventually happen to have time, you simply cannot choose and so you end up not doing anything? Signed, Full...
Find people who will make you better
The people you choose
I recall hearing a saying when I was a young entrepreneur. It was attributed to so many people that I don’t recall who “really” said it…nonetheless it’s proven to be true. You...
Failure is the condiment that gives success its flavor
How failure adds flavor to life
Have you ever noticed that failures come in two flavors? One is bitter, sour and calls for Listerine (TM). The other is sweet, inspiring and calls for a champagne toast. If you’ve ever experienced...