You got this
Conversations: Ready to change
Hi Chris, I have been trying to improve myself and change my life for 2 years. I tried to learn new skills, studied hard and went into a new diet. But I had small to non good progress. Why? Signed, Ready...
Self-care is how you take your power back
How to take your power back
We’ve all been there… Whether it’s… In your career, where you give all you can and aren’t appreciated. In your relationships, where you put in 100% and find you’re...
Not how long, but how well you have lived is the main thing
How well you live
It’s always a joy for me to see people who reach a “ripe, old age” – whatever that really means… For me, it’s to see someone reach an age where they have embraced the...
Business Leader
Conversations: Business leader?
So Chris, How do i stay motivated to lead my business? I get so tired some days and it feels like I made a bad choice here. Signed, Business leader? ~~~~~~~~~~ Aw, business leader…been there, done that. I...