What we think, we become
How to become what you want
You often hear, your thoughts create your reality. I used to call bullshit on that statement because many people sit and think about being rich, free and influential…and they still aren’t. I...
We convince by our presence
What convinces others...
It’s how you show up, at all… I’m sure you’ve been a “victim” of a no show or a “ghosting.” It’s happened when I was trying to hire a service to mow...
Easy button
Conversations: Where's the easy button?
Have you heard this Chris? People often advise doing difficult activities first, but wouldn’t you agree that doing simple tasks first might make difficult ones easier? Signed, Where’s the easy button ~~~~~~~~~~ You...
The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched - they must be felt with the heart
What your senses cannot access
The best context in which I can appreciate this quote by Helen Keller is in music… For years I’ve dreamed of immersing myself in classical music. Not playing, listening. I discovered a place...