Tied up in knots
Conversations: Tied up in knots
Hi Chris, Let me ask you… Can you become addicted to negative thoughts and stress? I heard that in a podcast and it hit me. Why do you think this can happen? Signed, Tied up in knots ~~~~~~~~~~ Tied up...
Be happy for this moment. This moment is your life
It's THIS moment
Many times we reflect on the sweet, tender moments in our lives…in hindsight. Wouldn’t it be magical if “in the moment” we found ourselves celebrating, in the present? How do you...
A hero is someone who has given his or her life to something bigger than oneself
Why you ARE a hero
I think most people think of “heroes” in terms of  wide recognition for some action that is BIG and GREAT. However, if you think about the times you’ve held the door for someone, offered...
Time for a break
Conversations: Time for a break?
Got a question for you Chris. This is something that I tend to struggle with from time to time. So I wondered, how do you, personally, deal with overcoming procrastination? Signed, Is it time for a break? ~~~~~~~~~~ Well,...