Nothing is worth more than this day
What could be worth more?
We often discover the truth of this statement when… We get older We get hurt We lose someone or something special And while it can be hard to hold this sentiment true, on the daily…it sure...
Look within. Within is the fountain of good, and it will ever bubble up, if thou wilt ever dig
Digging in...
When you’re stuck and unable to find “the good,” you know it’s not on social media, in the press or even in a google search. The “good” is self-defined. The “good”...
Strengths Weakness
Conversations: Strong or weak
So Chris, Which do you think is more important? Amplifying your strengths, or trying to repair your weaknesses? Why? Signed, Strong or weak ~~~~~~~~~~ Let’s see, strong or weak…which is more important? Well,...
It is always the simple that produces the marvelous
A marvelous pursuit
Simplicity. We’ve heard this as part of the infamous “KISS” principle… Keep it simple sweetheart And yet we don’t always think of it as an avenue to something…marvelous. Yet,...