Follow your bliss and the universe will open doors where there were only walls
Access doors instead of walls
Today, Joseph Campbell’s “follow your bliss” is met with rolled eyes, in some circles. Why? Because following your bliss is a simple concept, but not an easy one to implement For one,...
Conversations: Just stuck in place
You know what Chris, I think I’ve discovered what is the biggest obstacle to my personal growth. It’s people not growing with you. Would you agree that this is a significant reason I’m stuck? Signed, Just...
My Minds my kingdom
Where your kingdom resides
Love this quote… Viewing the mind from this perspective and all that a “kingdom” can be, the possibilities are limitless. Kingdoms are: as big or small as you wish (depending on how...
Let each man exercise the art he knows
Sharing your masterpiece
Within each of us is a little piece of “art” that we can share with the world. This “art” can be: how you listen deeply, when someone speaks how you speak gently, when needed how...