What we achieve inwardly will change outer reality
Not just word-play
As someone who enjoys a good quote, a good deal of inspiration and a greater way of seeing things…this one is good…depending on your perspective. I’ll give you mine…:) I used to...
Most of us have far more courage than we ever dreamed we possessed
Courage when you need it
Have you ever had a tough conversation and it went better than expected? You wonder, was it me or was it them? Was it timing or was it destiny? Simply having the conversation demonstrates a level of courage...
Stop the madness
Conversations: Stop the madness
Ugh Chris, Have you ever tried to change the mind of someone who insists that how they see things is right, when you know it’s not? Signed, Stop the madness ~~~~~~~~~~ Yes, let’s truly stop the madness… The...
Specialize in the impossible
Specialize in the impossible
We sometimes ask, “what’s even possible here?” And if we listen closely enough, we get the answer. But what if you “listened” to what’s impossible? You know…the...