Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel
What it comes down to...
There is a huge investment “motivators” have made to  inspire us to use our “thoughts” to create our reality. Thoughts do have their power for sure… However, this quote explodes...
Conversations: Give me my dream please
Hello Chris, Some people say lack of time or lack of confidence are the biggest obstacles to achieving one’s dreams. Can you identify the real reason why I am not making the progress I want? Signed, Give...
I believe that if one always looked at the skies, one would end up with wings
Where to keep your focus
I love this perspective… Given that so many of us walk around, “watching our step” whether it be literally or figuratively, this quote can remind us that if we wish to soar, we must take...
Give light, and the darkness will disappear of itself
An easy out-of-the-dark solution
It happens… We get into a funk, a place that is down and out, a darkness that needs to be obliterated… And if one more person tells you to cheer up, you’ll suggest they find their own...