Conversations: An owl in training
Chris, how does one become more wise? Signed, An owl in training ~~~~~~~~~~ Hi an owl in training, How wise of you to ask…;) Wisdom, dear owl, comes from experience… It’s as basic as that. When you “experience”...
If we did all the things we are capable of, we would literally astound ourselves. Thomas A
Astound yourself
Let this message serve as a reminder… You’re more capable than you realize and you’d realize it, if you listened to the conversation your heart and soul have…daily. It’s when...
I LOVE that you are a part of my world... Thank you
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Conversations: Goal seeker
Hey Chris, I’m trying to figure out the habits or behaviors I need to finally achieve my goals. I want something easy to do and long lasting. I know it exists or people wouldn’t be healthy, wealthy and...