God always gives His best to those who leave the choice with him
Let go to receive
Rarely am I “preachy” on the blog… However, after experiencing this, personally I know it’s true. I’ve learned that when I want something, the best move for me is to create...
Belief creates the actual fact
Belief to fact?
I’m often a little put off by quotes like this. They often seem to imply you “must” feel good to get what you want. Which isn’t true. You can “fact check” me by looking...
Conversations: The truth is out there
Hi Chris, I’ve often heard it said, facing our reality or truth doesn’t need to be painful. I really think that’s bull. It’s VERY painful to accept the truth sometimes. With that being said, are...
Learning how to be still, to really be still and let life happen - that stillness becomes a radiance
Radiating stillness
I don’t know of any other actor that does this better than Morgan Freeman… You can see it so clearly in his persona. So how can this work for you? When you find your center, your peaceful place,...