No matter what people tell you, words and ideas can change the world
Robin Williams' advice about how to change the world
One of my most favorite humans…Robin Williams He could make you laugh, he could make you cry… For me, one of the most impactful performances was his work with Comic Relief… You truly...
New Year New Me
Conversations: New Me New Year
Hey Chris, Everyone is talking about, new year, new me. I want to be talking the same, yet I can’t seem to get it together. With all the ads for gym memberships and healthy eating plans, I don’t or can’t...
Shoot for the moon and if you miss you will still be among the stars
Ready to go for it?
Easy question, right? You can say, sure Chris, I’m ready to go for it! I may not know all the steps to reach it, but… I hope this quote inspires you to at least take a shot… You may also...
The power of imagination makes us infinite
Getting that infinite feeling
When you read this quote, it just “sits” right doesn’t it? You are only limited by your LACK of imagination… If you can imagine more, better, greater (and you can!) then that gives...