shaurya-sagar-A4wa3SpyOsg-unsplash_happy life
Conversations: Not asking for much
Ok Chris, I just want an easy, happy life. I’m not asking for the world. But how to achieve that? Signed, Not asking for much ~~~~~~~~~~ Oh I’m WITH you there, not asking for much! And I actually don’t...
The things that we love tell us what we are
What do you love
Are you willing to consider that what you love, tells you what you are? I know that we are so much more than that…but if you’ve ever met someone who… loves to win at all costs hates...
The world is full of magical things patiently waiting for our wits to grow sharper
Keep your wits about you
Have you ever heard this expression…keep your wits about you? It’s usually in reference to walking into a new experience, environment or a sketchy place. It’s meant to give you a heads...
Conversations: Stalled but revving
Hey Chris, My life feels stalled out. It’s like standing at the edge of the pool. Everyone jumping in, is just as doubtful as me. The difference is they made the decision to jump in while I am slowly...