Thinking the talking of the soul with itself
A sacred conversation starter
I never would have thought of thinking in this way… Yet, it makes sense… When you are thinking about a challenge, an opportunity, or an approach you’re considering… WHO ELSE are...
No act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted
Kindness has its own reward
Have you ever noticed how good you feel, when you… smiled at stranger and they smile back open or hold the door for someone pick something up that someone dropped and returned it to them read about...
thought-catalog-FACFpJVoMJs-unsplash_work life
Conversations: Creating a new balance
Hi Chris, As I reflect on my 2022, I’m a bit burned out but optimistic for what the new year holds. One area I’d like to improve in is where work ends and life begins. I mean, is work-life balance even...
Somewhere, something incredible is waiting to be known
It's waiting to be known
Do you ever get the feeling that you’re going to learn something new, soon? Like a gut feeling that something, anything, is about to reveal itself to you? It often happens at this time of year when...