Conversations: Discouraged
Ugh Chris, What if you feel like you’ve done so much wrong in your past that you get discouraged from changing? Signed, Discouraged ~~~~~~~~~~ My dear Discouraged…there is NEVER so much wrong that you...
“What you do makes a difference, and you have to decide what kind of difference you want to make
What difference do you want to make
So, this is not about purpose… This is about a difference that COULD end up leading you to your purpose. Quick example. As a child, I wanted to “teach.”  I’d get my “readers”...
“Sometimes good things fall apart so better things could fall together
Why it falls apart
Have you ever had something go so wrong, that you thought you’d never get back to where you were? This may require a little reminiscing on your part. I’ll help with an example from my own journey. For...
Me First
Conversations: Me First
Hi Chris, When it comes to self improvement, my biggest struggle is putting myself first. What are some steps I can take to change this? Signed, Me first ~~~~~~~~~~ Hi Me first! Congratulations for putting...