Conversations: Due some recognition
So Chris… There are so many times I take on extra work to help out my teammates, when my own plate is full. And they will let my manager know that I’ve been helpful to them. But I never hear anything from...
So blessed & Grateful for you
Thank you...
We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give
Are you making a living or a life?
Famous quote from Churchill during a challenging time in history. Yet, I think this quote was a bit manipulative. At a time when people were struggling and being challenged by the ravages of war, he wants...
Conversations: Confidence seeker
Hey Chris, There are so many things I want to try, take on and just plain do. But I don’t seem to have enough confidence to get started.  How do you find the confidence to “nike” it? I know I’d create...