Nothing can dim the light which shines from within
You're glowing...
Love Maya and her wisdom… It really is true that the light within, truly, can’t be dimmed… A personal example… For years, I’ve watched and loved Robin Williams, the actor....
Maybe this world is another planet’s hell
A unique planetary perspective
Unless you know who Aldous Huxley is and what he believes, this quote will be a bit disarming. Why? Because we want to believe that in this vast Universe, we probably have it most “together.” Well,...
Conversations: Trying to remember
Wow Chris,  I gotta share this with you… A lovely lady said to me, that after a difficult time in her life, she is “… still remembering who she is”.  That sounded so deep and painful to me.  Yet,...
Challenges, failures, defeats and ultimately, progress, are what make your life worthwhile
Making life worthwhile
While you may not want the challenges and defeats in your life, they are actually what truly motivates the progress you experience. Imagine if things were great — all of the time. Boring and bored...