I walk slowly, but I never walk backward
Move slowly in the direction of your dreams
Oftentimes you hear: Move steadily in the direction of your dreams. Move swiftly in the direction of your dreams. Yet this quote from Lincoln is more powerful than you think, if you take a minute to...
Your greatness is revealed not by the lights that shine upon you, but by the light that shines within you
Yeah, it's that inner light thing
Have you ever met someone who just glowed from within? They light up a room, light up your heart, just make you feel lighter… Perhaps there has been a time when it was YOU…who was “lit.” Your...
Daydream Believer
Conversations: Daydream believer
I’d like to to break out of self sabotaging and create the life I dream of… Is it possible Chris? Signed, Daydream believer ~~~~~~~~~~ Ah, Daydream believer…one of my favorite “Monkees” song…. In all this...
“Do not let the behavior of others destroy your inner peace
Protecting your peace
I’m reading The Dalai Lama’s Cat…because I just love cats…smile Really, that’s what attracted me to the book. However, it’s turning into a great look at the life the...