Love to learn
Conversations: Loves to learn
Hey Chris, I’ve enjoyed reading your conversations. I’ve learned a lot and gained some insights that have helped me…thank you. I’ll keep this short and sweet.  What is the very BEST way to make a right...
I've failed over and over and over again in my life and that is why I succeed
What multiple failures give you
Hard to imagine Michael Jordan failing, right? He was larger than life…heck, still is! But we know that he worked his ass off to get where he did…not only on the court, but in business. You...
Go out and let your soul be the GPS in your journey to explore the richness of life
Your GPS for the richest journey
With the WORLD traveling after the lockdowns, slow downs, etc. you can bet travel agents and websites are humming! What if you were unsure what you want to do or where you want to go, now that you can...
Conversations: Lost in translation
Yo Chris, I’ll keep this short and sweet… Do you ever feel like you should be doing something but can’t figure out what it is? Signed, Lost in translation ~~~~~~~~~~ LOL lost in translation…every...