Always go too far, because that’s where you’ll find the truth
How far to find the truth
There’s a story Napoleon Hill, in Think and Grow Rich, tells about a miner who stopped just 3 feet short of the gold… Clearly it’s a reminder not to give up when you’re likely “almost”...
There's only one thing more precious than our time and that's what we spend it on
What makes time precious
Often people will say things like: Time is money Time is non-renewable Time should never be wasted Time is more valuable than money You’ve heard them all, I’m sure. Yet, this quote takes...
Conversations: Yawn, still there?
Hi Chris, I need some advice or courses that can help me.  I have no motivation. I want to start working out and eating better but now is not the right time because I have a lot going on. I am stressed...
The only way out is through
Your only way out
The fierce look in this animals eyes, I have seen in some of my clients when they KNOW what they want. When you spend time circling the problem instead of choosing a solution (whether it’s ideal...