“Recognizing that you are not where you want to be is a starting point to begin changing your life
What's a good starting point
I’ve had the joy of working with some amazing individuals in my coaching/consulting career. Part of that joy is “seeing” what they are overlooking, that if they would just “look”...
Goal achiever
Conversations: Goal Achiever
Hey Chris, One of my biggest obstacles, that prevent me from achieving my goals is getting clarity on the goal itself. Got any suggestions? Signed, Goal achiever ~~~~~~~~~~ Hey to you, goal achiever! Great...
It is wise to keep in mind that neither success nor failure is ever final
What is never final
Yeah, we’d all like to immerse ourselves in a pool of success, forever. And certainly we don’t want to drown in a river of failure, for even a minute. And the good news is… Neither lasts...
Those at the top of the mountain didn't fall there
Getting to the top of the mountain
We know that the 1% who achieve incredible wealth and fame, didn’t get there simply by “falling” on top of a pile of success. Even those who inherit have to work hard, not only to keep...