Motivation is what gets you started. Habit is what keeps you going
What keeps you going
This quote is a testament to my working out, 4 days a week. Even when I don’t want to… During lockdown, I gained some weight. Having been an active exerciser in my 40’s, I knew I had...
Smooth seas do not make skillful sailors
A skillful sailor made
A “skillful” anything…holds to the same sentiment. Many a highly skilled individual, did not achieve mastery without challenges. It takes those very challenges, to provide the skill and...
Ready to connect
Conversations: Ready to connect
Greetings Chris, How can I enhance my communication skills to build stronger relationships with others? Signed, Ready to connect ~~~~~~~~~~ Great question, ready to connect! “Skill building” is not reserved...
If you aren't making any mistakes, it's a sure sign you're playing it too safe
Playing it safe?
Well hell, where’s the fun in that? smile It’s true, you gotta break some eggs to bake a cake…y-u-m-m-y cake…I’m channeling Homer. I digress… Very few of us like to...