Conversations: Way too shy
So Chris, I have such severe shyness and nervousness, especially speaking in public or during interviews. Even though I think I am prepared I still get nervous and have mental blocks during conversations....
Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow
A prescription for living life well
Einstein, as a renowned physicist, certainly had a lot on his mind…smile However, I think he also had an incredible insight about life,  that did not consist of theory or equations. Some of his other...
I’m going to tell you something thoughts are never honest. Emotions are
Which came first thought or emotion?
As with most of Albert Camus’ writing, he incites you to challenge him. He received the Nobel Prize for literature, so you know he has some “chops.” However, I find this quote to be challenging. Your...
Conversations: Floating downstream
Hey there Chris, Got a question for you. There are times I’m in a really great mood. Things are going REALLY well and I’m just loving life. I hear a lot of talk about the power of positive thinking and...