I think that what we’re seeking is an experience of being alive
What we seek...
Joseph Campbell is well known for writing about the hero’s journey and how it relates to everyday life. His model has been used by authors, speakers, in corporate programs, as part of defining a...
I restore myself when I’m alone
How do you restore yourself?
I can’t imagine how incredibly restorative time alone for Marilyn would have been. As an international celebrity, you would expect her batteries to be drained, constantly. But what if you aren’t...
Conversations: No means no, maybe
Hey Chris, I need a backbone…got a spare? No seriously, I’m struggling with something that I hope you can help me with. I feel so good about the fact that I can, finally, say “no” when needed. I was a...
Hope and fear cannot occupy the same space at the same time. Invite one to stay
Which to choose - hope or fear
It’s an interesting question to ponder. When we fear something might happen, we lose sight of the fact that we can… Hope that something else can happen. Now I know that this isn’t a thought...