A Personal Experience of Self-Sabotage
I usually reserve Sunday posts for Conversations that I have with you and those who write in. However, not only is today special (It’s my birthday — whoo hoo), it’s also the end of what has been a personal...
Never regret anything that made you smile
Regrets...not here buddy!
How many experiences have you looked back at with regret? I can tell you that there are only a handful in my life…and they mostly revolve around love…but that’s a story for another day. I...
It’s better to be a lion for a day than a sheep all your life
Lead, don't follow
While it may be “out of your comfort zone,” staying in it can be soul and mind-numbing. Today, you’ll find more people who want to go with the crowd, so that they are not called out for...
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Conversations: Train to nowhere
Let me ask you Chris, Do you ever feel like you stepped onto the train of life and it’s leading you in a direction you know you do not want to go ? You want to step off but you are so scared.  You don’t...