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Conversations: Emotion Starved
Yeah, so Chris… I didn’t grow up in a very vocal family. Lots of whispers and secrets. I was taught not to allow my emotions to get the “better of me.”  You know, hold it in at all costs. It screwed up...
Life is a daring adventure or nothing at all
An uplifting perspective on life
Helen Adams Keller was an American author, disability rights advocate, political activist and lecturer. Born in West Tuscumbia, Alabama, she lost her sight and her hearing after a bout of illness at the...
If you want to live a happy life, tie it to a goal, not to people or things
Einstein's Theory of Happy Living
Gotta agree, right? When we tie our happiness to people or things, we know full well, that gives our power away. Goals, that we’ve defined — not that others have given us, are well within our...
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Conversations: No more passive submissive
Hey Chris, Can you tell me how I can be more assertive when I am around people? Even though I always knew that people aren’t always trustworthy yet I still act very passive and submissive just to avoid...