If you can imagine someone surpassing you, you should do it yourself
You have no competition, here's why
We often look at the people around us and what they’re doing, accomplishing, succeeding at… Then we recalibrate our actions and intentions because they “might” beat us at our game. Paul...
I saw the angel in the marble and carved until I set him free
Get the chisel, Mikey
Yeah, I’m sure Michelangelo would NOT like to be called Mikey. However, his approach to discovering the beauty that is within is profound… You cannot pop out of the box, or marble for that...
Boundary Line
Conversations: A line in the sand
Damn it Chris, I continue to struggle with setting boundaries and following through if a boundary is violated. I’m tired of having to redraw another line instead.  What can I do to end this cycle? Signed, A...
As soon as you know yourself, you will know how to live
The key to knowing how to live
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe a 19th century German poet, playwright, novelist, scientist, statesman, theatre director, and critic has been called one of Germany’s most celebrated artists. This quote...