“Never explain. Your friends won’t need it. And haters will continue to hate (because they also hate themselves)
Don't explain. Haters gonna hate.
When you find yourself challenged to provide an explanation that will satisfy someone, remember this quote from Paulo. You can’t turn a “hater” into a fan with mere words alone. In fact,...
Conversations: Surfing the stress waves
Gee Chris, What do you do when you feel stress and anxiety creeping in? It starts as a simple nudge, then it turns into a tidal wave if I don’t catch it. Any tips to get control of it?  What has helped...
“It is better to be hated for what you are than to be loved for what you are not
How do YOU want to be known?
We see this all over social media, on the daily, right? People would rather put forth the “perfect” face, hair, makeup, clothing, stories so that they are “admired, envied, loved.” Little...
“Self-control is the chief element in self-respect, and self-respect is the chief element in courage
Where self-respect can take you
Thucydides, as a 5th century historian and general, would have understood this battle and what it would take to engage in the war between Sparta and Athens. The message, however old, is timeless… Whether...