Conversations: A seeker
So Chris, I have a simple, yet serious question for you. Is service to others integral to spiritual growth? Signed, A seeker ~~~~~~~~~~ Well, seeker…great question. I’m not entirely sure I’m the best qualified...
“Remember that not getting what you want is sometimes a wonderful stroke of luck
Not getting what you want? Sweet!
Cannot tell you how many times I have looked back on things I wanted and didn’t get…only to find out… Dodge that bullet! At this point in my life if I DON’T get something I want,...
“Intelligence is not to make no mistakes, but quickly to see how to make them good
Making good mistakes
What do we typically say when someone makes a mistake? “Well that wasn’t too smart…” Yet we know that some mistakes turn out in our favor, right? They become good mistakes… The...
Conversations: Stuck but still dreaming
Hey Chris, Sometimes I feel confused about all the things I should being doing to reach my big dreams. It gets so bad that I don’t do anything at all. And then I really feel bad. Got any advice here? Signed, Stuck...