The hardest thing to learn in life is which bridge to cross and which bridge to burn
Burning or building bridges
I highlighted the AND for a reason  You see, there will be times in your life that you’ll want to build/cross a bridge to someone or something  It’s worth it to your sanity, health and well...
The trouble is you think you have time
Like sands through the hourglass
This was the classic opening to the soap opera, Days of Our Lives. It came to mind when I read this quote. As it was Memorial Day 2022 yesterday, we “remember” those who served our country...
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Conversations: Clueless but committed!
Hi Chris, I know that success is about a series of habits and routines that lead to the achievement of the goal. Smart, yes I am… 🙂 Yet, here’s where I can use your help. I am someone who struggles to...
Free yourself
We underestimate how much we care about what others think…  Even when we say, I will wear what I want, who cares what they think…we’ve already cared…  We care when we DON’T...