It’s better to be a lion for a day than a sheep all your life
Lead, don't follow
While it may be “out of your comfort zone,” staying in it can be soul and mind-numbing. Today, you’ll find more people who want to go with the crowd, so that they are not called out for...
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Conversations: Train to nowhere
Let me ask you Chris, Do you ever feel like you stepped onto the train of life and it’s leading you in a direction you know you do not want to go ? You want to step off but you are so scared.  You don’t...
There are three constants in life...change, choice and principles
The three constants in life
Steven Covey has a way of distilling concepts down to their most easily consumed. The thought of change, choice and principles being constants in our life can give you pause. Where has change been a constant...
What makes your dream impossible
I’ve had many, many dreams in this short lifetime. Many have come true….getting into the college I wanted to attend, working for the company I wanted to work for, running my own business and...