Life is a mountain. Your goal is to find your path, not to reach the top
Find the Path or Take the Journey
This quote was a mind blower for me…  Why?  We’re always encouraged to reach, rise, strive, push…to reach the top  Yet, how often does someone who reaches the top, stand at the ridge...
hill to climb paul-morley-hrsmLER8Qr8-unsplash
Conversations: The hill yet to climb
Hey Chris, Tell me, what’s the biggest obstacle that prevented you from achieving your goals!? I am constantly battling the overwhelming thought of how much work it is going to be or how long it will take...
Many of life's failures are people who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up. -Thomas A
A different take on failure (Thanks Dad!)
If people KNEW how close they were to success, trust and believe, they would not give up.  So does that REALLY make what they gave up a “failure?”  Perhaps they discovered a NEW passion to...
It always seems impossible until it’s done
You are possible
How appropriate given the state and struggles in the world today, right?  Nothing is impossible If YOU are possible…  Know that…  Deeply.