Reality is wrong, dreams are for real
Beautiful dreamer, you can create reality
Great play on words, right? You certainly can create your reality, from your dreams… IF You hold on to them. Don’t let other people’s stuff take you out… Blur them out. Realize...
Every man dies. Not every man lives
Rising above it all
What is dying in you, right now? Is it hope? Is it passion? Is it desire? Is it joy? Going no further…point made. If you could feel hopeful, passionate, desirous or joyful at any point in your day,...
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Conversations: Walking the tightrope
Hey Chris, You know we’re close to 120 days into 2022 and while I started off with a bang, I’ve already started to lose sight of balance and taking care of myself. I’m really good about focusing on my...
Happiness depends upon ourselves
What your happiness depends on
  I don’t think Aristotle was playing word games with us. I truly believe (or want to) that he meant that only YOU can define what happiness truly is…for YOU. Some seek wealth and fame...