What consumes your mind controls your life _ Unknown
Feeding your mind to control your life
  What a great opportunity to take your life where YOU want it to go! The next time you find yourself focused on what’s wrong, decide you’re going to control your life by deeply focusing...
comfort zone s-migaj-Yui5vfKHuzs-unsplash 496
Conversations: Comfy and Cozy in the Zone
Dear Chris, I’ve often heard people say that the thing you want most is outside your comfort zone. Well, I like being comfortable! But I also want more in my life… Was there ever a time that you purposely...
Normality is a paved road it’s comfortable to walk but no flowers grow
Grow where you are sucks
  I once heard the statement, “bloom where you are.” Meaning, if you feel stuck, find ways to grow where you are. Well that sucks… You might be able to find a way, for a while, but...
Every moment is a fresh beginning. _ T
A fresh beginning
  There is beauty in a storm. You get to see and experience different emotions, shifts from scared to hopeful and back again. Yet there is something striking (pun intended) about the freshness and...