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Conversations: Where’s the off ramp on this highway
Hey Chris, what do you do when you “fail” at something? I’m just not sure how to process it or handle it. Sometimes when I think about something I’ve failed at, I wonder what’s the point of even trying. Have...
May your choices reflect your hopes, not your fears
What your choices reflect
Seems simple enough, right? Except when you ask most people why they chose the life and lifestyle they have, they will likely focus on their fears. Why did you start the job you have? Because I have to...
Everything has beauty, but not everyone sees it
How beauty is reflected back to you
Even when it’s reflected back to you, you may miss your own beauty. Don’t allow anyone to cloud your vision. You are beautiful. (and we all see it!)
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Conversations: Oh look over there
Hello Chris, Here’s one for you. I try my best to focus on my goals. I took the time to identify them, write them down, look at them weekly, sometimes daily. So I am really committed and attached to achieving...