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Conversations: Clueless but committed!
Hi Chris, I know that success is about a series of habits and routines that lead to the achievement of the goal. Smart, yes I am… 🙂 Yet, here’s where I can use your help. I am someone who struggles to...
Free yourself
We underestimate how much we care about what others think…  Even when we say, I will wear what I want, who cares what they think…we’ve already cared…  We care when we DON’T...
Life is a mountain. Your goal is to find your path, not to reach the top
Find the Path or Take the Journey
This quote was a mind blower for me…  Why?  We’re always encouraged to reach, rise, strive, push…to reach the top  Yet, how often does someone who reaches the top, stand at the ridge...
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Conversations: The hill yet to climb
Hey Chris, Tell me, what’s the biggest obstacle that prevented you from achieving your goals!? I am constantly battling the overwhelming thought of how much work it is going to be or how long it will take...