You are possible
How appropriate given the state and struggles in the world today, right? Nothing is impossible If YOU are possible… Know that… Deeply.
How appropriate given the state and struggles in the world today, right? Nothing is impossible If YOU are possible… Know that… Deeply.
Ugh Chris, Why is self-discovery so difficult? I’m in my 30’s- shouldn’t I know myself by now? I feel as if I have invisible chains that bind me to a template of how I am supposed to live. Why can’t I break away? Signed, Unchain my heart ~~~~~~~~~~ Dear Unchain my heart, Can I say
Conversations: Unchain my heart Read More »
Seems the journey never ends, doesn’t it? Which, of course it does…AT the end. Going inward WITH a healthy ego can serve you well. You’re open to what is in store for you… That is, when you are ready to see who you’re NOT being. (That ego thing keeps it from you) Stay open to
The point Soren is making is… Don’t try to understand life in the moment…keep living forward… You’ll get the lesson later… Phew, takes the pressure off doesn’t it?
Taking the pressure off Read More »
Hey Chris, I need some serious help and guidance. I am sabotaging stuff in my life due to how I feel about myself. What do I do, where do I turn. I want to change this about myself. Signed, Ready for a change ~~~~~~~~~~ Dear Ready for a change, How about that? You’ve broken the
Conversations: Ready for a change Read More »
Have you ever heard a love song that just spoke to YOUR heart? Or maybe there’s a melody that plays in your head under certain circumstances. Music can tell your story so completely. Imagine after a hard day, hearing a stirring melody that puts you in a place of ease and joy! (Chopin is MY
This time in our history has proven that many of us are finding our… hobbies passions joys moments of happiness …that have and will SUSTAIN us going forward. And forward we WILL go. It’s also a time for us to SHARE those wondrous discoveries with those who will be… uplifted inspired encouraged loved …by YOUR
Attention…your brilliance is needed Read More »
Hi Chris, I was reading your “about” page to learn more about you. You know, I want to leave my corporate gig and start my own business too. I’ve been doing some research on the kinds of businesses people are starting and I’m looking into using my creativity with an Etsy shop. I’m really excited
Conversations: Going for it! Read More »
While dreams are important and serve to inspire… The measure of a life is enhanced by the memorable experiences you create. Use your dreams to catapult you into experiences that enrich this life you’re living.
The measure of a life… Read More »
Who better to have said this… Making a life worth living is our greatest purpose here on the planet. When we forget that every second ticks away the years, we focus on trivial stuff. At the end of it all, what will you want to celebrate doing, saying or being? Make a list. Make a
Forget the trivial stuff Read More »