
Conversations: Desperately seeking direction

Chris, I would love your opinion on this! If a person currently feels disoriented in life, what is the moment when they should seek help? Seeking help can mean asking questions, looking for a coach, or support in general. Thank you so much!!! Signed, Desperately seeking direction ~~~~~~~~~~ Good question, desperately seeking direction! I actually …

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Conversations: Passionately struggling

Hi Chris, What advice would you give to those who are struggling to find their passion? Signed, Passionately struggling ~~~~~~~~~~ Hmmm passionately struggling… I’ll be blunt. If you’re struggling, then it’s not a passion you’re looking for…it’s an answer to a question in your mind. One that you think you MUST answer in order to …

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Conversations: Where’s the easy button?

Have you heard this Chris? People often advise doing difficult activities first, but wouldn’t you agree that doing simple tasks first might make difficult ones easier? Signed, Where’s the easy button ~~~~~~~~~~ You know what, easy button, I HAVE heard that! It goes along with this interesting, oft-told story about how to fill a glass …

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