How beauty is reflected back to you
Even when it’s reflected back to you, you may miss your own beauty. Don’t allow anyone to cloud your vision. You are beautiful. (and we all see it!)
Even when it’s reflected back to you, you may miss your own beauty. Don’t allow anyone to cloud your vision. You are beautiful. (and we all see it!)
Hello Chris, Here’s one for you. I try my best to focus on my goals. I took the time to identify them, write them down, look at them weekly, sometimes daily. So I am really committed and attached to achieving them. But somehow I get distracted and go looking for something else to do. You …
Yeah, it’s not all about you… When you fire up your passion for anything…life, sunny days, a good meal, sharing a smile, writing, reading, singing…there is always someone who benefits. Either by example or as a result of what you burn for… So fire it up and let your brilliance warm another soul!
In a mad rush to figure out what to do next, we can often go into a fog. We stew on it, we doubt it, we play with possibilities and we (may) hear it, but choose to ignore it. However, this is the gift of the fog. It provides an open sandbox in which …
Hey Chris, Why is it every time I’m on a zoom call, or in a meeting with people, I get butterflies in my stomach when I want to speak? Yet, when I’m just talking with someone, I just talk. But here it’s like I’m afraid to just speak out…even when I KNOW I have something …
Let’s see how many of life’s moments this could apply to, shall we? ~ Sleeping restfully ~ Eating heartily ~ Speaking thoughtfully ~ Smiling brilliantly ~ Working diligently ~ Loving deeply You get the point… In ALL things it begins with knowing who YOU are… You ARE blessed to do each one…well. And brace …
Brace for the brilliant return on your investment Read More »
Thomas Leonard is widely recognized as the “first” true coach. His wisdom demonstrates how we help people to discover what’s within their grasp, if one but opens to what’s possible. This is easily be achieved when you are willing to be PROFOUND (not just helpful) for others…
Hi Chris, As I think about what I want to do or be this year, I see a number of coaches, mentors doing what looks like a lot of fun. They are speaking, traveling, writing books, YouTube, TikToc, Facebook and Instagram videos. I see them everywhere! I look at them and I want to be …
What more needs to be said? If you can’t go with all your heart, don’t go… (guess there WAS more to be said…;))
You may be sitting on the fence or on a rock, wondering… Is it possible? Yes…it IS possible. It begins by allowing yourself to just sit and wonder. Very few of us do this because we think sitting in “wonder” wastes the time that we could be…in action. However, I submit to you that …