
Conversations: Need emotional intelligence

Hi Chris, How do you manage your emotions? Signed, Need emotional intelligence ~~~~~~~~~~ Hey need emotional intelligence, this is a great question. If you do any scrolling on social media, (and this website by the way!) you’ll see many quotes to inspire you to “feel” a certain way. And the intent is good…positive…and in most …

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Conversations: Thoughtful

Hey Chris, How can we bring our thoughts into reality? Signed, Thoughtful ~~~~~~~~~~ Ooooh thoughtful, GREAT question! There’s two approaches to answering this question… One, ask yourself, what is keeping you from bringing your thoughts into reality… Two, what is the reality you want to create…and are your thoughts supporting you? Lets take the second …

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Conversations: Growth Mindset

Hey Chris, How can I cultivate a growth mindset that sees challenges as learning and growth opportunities instead of frustration reasons? Signed, Growth mindset ~~~~~~~~~~ I like how you think, growth mindset! And how you “think” is going to be the key to seeing challenges as learning and growth opportunities EVEN WHEN it’s frustrating. You, …

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